Friday, September 24, 2010


3rd annual SpokeFest was a few weeks ago. It is a 21 mile bike ride around Spokane, mostly along the Spokane river. Myself and 3 other friends met up for the adventure. We all made it to the finish line without any injuries. Then it was back to our house for a BBQ. Yummy!

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Busy summer

Summer has ended and Fall has arrived. The summer was busy and productive as we spent time doing various household projects, doing some hiking and biking, and spending time with family and friends. Max even enjoyed having his friends Sugar and Buddy stay with weekend with us. Now that summer is over it's finally time to kick back and relax.

Doing some hiking around Liberty Lake

House Guests!!!

Fair time!!!!

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Sunday, July 18, 2010


Patrick and I took his son Joey to Silverwood for the day. Joey is here visiting for the month and was promised a trip to Silverwood before he goes back home. For a 6 year old, he is fearless. His favorite ride was the Corkscrew rollercoaster which goes upside down. We also went on Tremors, the big wooden rollercoaster, the log ride, and Thunder Canyon. The second half of the day was spent at Boulder Beach playing in the wave pool and sliding down the slides.

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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July camping

We went camping up to Little Diamond Lake with Greg's family over 4th of July weekend. We did some hiking, playing in the campfire and tons of eating! It was Max's first camping trip and he did very well and the nephews had a blast playing with him.

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Olivia Kate

Welcome to the world Olivia Kate Butler!! Born 6/9 at 5:03am. She weighed 8lb 1oz and was 22.5 inches long. She is welcomed by proud parents Deater & Kara. Congratulations!!!

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Thursday, June 3, 2010


Went to Seattle over the weekend. It was just as wet there as it was here. Took Max on his first road trip. He was introduced to new friends Sugar and Buddy. They played hard the entire weekend. While we were there we did some shopping, took in a Mariners game and just relaxed. Oh, and drank lots of wine.


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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Kara's Baby Shower

Pictures of Kara's baby shower! Great turnout and Kara got lots of pink things! Sure hope that ultrasound was correct.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Grandpa Reidt turns 80!!

Marisa's grandpa Reidt turned 80 at the end of January. We celebrated last weekend with a family gathering. The dinner was catered by Longhorn BBQ. We all had a ton of fun and got to visit with people we hadn't seen for awhile.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bad Blogger!

I know its been awhile since this was updated. The holidays were good days spent with family. Thanksgivng was spent at our house with Marisa's family. Christmas was spent with Greg's family. We rung in the New Year with great friends at our house. We played lots of pool, guitar hero and lit off some great fireworks at midnight. Max started obedience classes last week. So far he is catching on quickly. Marisa also recently went to Seattle for some fun and relaxation. She shopped until she dropped and barely had room to bring all her purchases back home! Take a look at all these great pics of the past several months.